Tuesday, April 26, 2011

around the world

i love this music video.

my toes start tappin'.
my shoulders start shakin'.
my hips start swervin'.
my energy lifts.
it makes me want to dance.

{watch it full screen}

life is beautiful

life is beautiful. look around.

last night, we watched life is beautiful, with Roberto Benigni. i'd recommend it. then we watched him go wild with excitement at the oscars. take a look.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

walking on the moon

diggin' this song right now.

wishin' my days away...
no way...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


click clack click to enlarge

{from the mister}


the news and happenings around the world have been making me feel sad and cynical.
natural disasters are in abundance.
humanitarian crises are innumerable.
war carries on.
where is the accountability?
when will the political charades stop?
when will we realize we cannot live on money?
what will it take to open our eyes?

{photo courtesy of the Big Picture}

Monday, April 18, 2011

favorite photo this week

{photo by husband}

the end of the day

After a long Monday, I slip home.
Pickle meets me at the door.
We exchange pleasantries.
Email, news, check the seedlings.
Chat on the phone with sister.
Letters written, the week's schedule reviewed.
Dinner in the oven, chat on the phone with husband.
Job ads read, blogs read.
Check, check, check.
Turn on Rahsaan Roland Kirk, turn it up.
Sit down, drink the music up.
Open Great Expectations.
Consider going for a run.
Consider the expected snow tomorrow.
At the end of April, good ole Minnesota.
Ah, f***.
Read a passage of Great Expectations.
Close it.
Turn off the oven.
Gear up, go run.
Smile at nice, white-bearded biker-man.
Shower, eat, feed the cat, dishes.
Put away clothes from the last few days.
Sit down, open Great Expectations.

{that's a photo of Pickle, aka Saul. i love that little guy.}

here's some Rahsaan Roland Kirk for ya:

like you know

here's, you know, like, a cool video on speaking with, like, conviction:

and here's one for teachers, who are undervalued and under-appreciated:

and here's one about health. i'm not going to say a thing, even though i could go on and on, because taylor mali sums it up well:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

alexei bednij

see more of alexei bednij's work here

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A thankful person is a happy person.

So true.

reassessment of conventional measures of success

{affluent college-bound students face the real prospect of downward mobility feelings of entitlement clash with imminent scarcity there is resentment at growing up at the end of an era of plenty coupled with reassessment of conventional measures of success}

Friday, April 8, 2011

happy happy happy

a heart in my mocha
my sunshine plate
rocky raccoon on patrol

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the bootstrap project

I am drawn to(and LOVE) the handmade beauty of the pieces from The Bootstrap Project, whose mission is wonderful.

The Bootstrap Project's mission is to create a sustainable platform to promote and retain centuries-old crafts and customs. We create the outlet for the local artisans. The profits of the sales go back to the artists and their communities, through our development partners, to empower them by providing the education and opportunity to retain, preserve and advance their fast-dying crafts, customs and way of life. By purchasing through Bootstrap you allow artisans—who act as the catalyst for their whole communities—to end their own poverty. It’s trade not aid.

overcome righteousness

spotting lots of great things now that the snow is gone. hooray!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

my music today was in the street
the thick warbling accent of the woman preceding me in line
the twinkling of the vegetable seed carousel at the hardware store
the ebb and flow of traffic
endless conversations of passersby
children laughing
children screaming
everyone beautiful
everyone valuable
in their own special way

the world was my museum today
the patterns of chipping paint on the worn porch floor of the cafe
the patterns of people come and gone
the endless movement of people
going here
going there
the steam from my masala chai traveling up to my delighted nose
I see the first hints of spring coming forth
I see lights dangling in the trees
old vines swaying in the breeze

the world is my teacher and my guide today
every being
every object
offering up lessons
providing guidance for the journey
namaste world

I Always Wondered

I Always Wondered is a site chock full of interesting questions and answers-entertaining and educational. Why can't you say Macbeth's name in a theater? What makes curly hair curly? How do nuclear control rods work? Find out over at I Always Wondered.

La Femme D'Argent

The footage accompanying Air is shot from a streetcar in San Francisco in 1905, it's pretty fun to watch.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lemon Baked Salmon with Asparagus and Bulgar

We made this for dinner last night. It takes less than 10 minutes to throw everything(only 5 ingredients here, Mark Bittman would be proud) together in one pan and turns out so pretty and delicious. It's a keeper. Find the recipe at Real Simple, who has been having some great food spreads lately.

{photo + recipe courtesy of Real Simple}

Honey Goat Cheese Fig Muffins

I just made these muffins. Wow! They are fabulous and they get bonus points-they're made with all whole wheat flour, olive oil and contain 20% of your daily iron needs. Find the recipe at delish.

{photo + recipe courtesy of delish}

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello April!

I've missed you so much!

{I'm the one holding the cat with chocolate on my face. Hmmm, I still love chocolate and cats! Aren't my sisters cute?}