Wednesday, December 30, 2009


by Ian Falconer

Puff the Magic Dragon

Charming illustrations for a classic song that I can't stop singing.
by Peter Yarrow and Lenny Lipton, Illustrations by Eric Puybaret

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Love to all of you. Good health to all of you. Merriment to all of you. Peace to all of you. Gratitude to all of you.


Enjoying Satsumas. You should try them.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today is going to be a good day. I can feel it.

See that content look on my face? My breakfast included holiday cookies...

My family had a cookie bake last week. My niece decided that we should count how many cookies we made...

peanut butter blossoms 110
sugar cookies 107
snowflake pretzels 182
wreaths 28
russian teacakes 65
bohemian cookies 64
date snowballs 58
frosty oreos 18
turtle cookies 62
chocolate peanut clusters 73
oreo snowball bites 88
puttin' on the ritz 165

Grand total............1020!
Crazy! We are spreading lots of holiday cheer!

Market Totes

Market Totes are now on sale at Articulture and coming soon to Etsy. Some are lined and some are not. This is a personal fave; it has leather handles for comfort.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


13 1/4" x 16 1/4"
Mixed media

OOOMS Rocker

OOOMS, a dutch design firm, created a kit to turn almost any chair into a rocker. Love.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Piet Indoor Stove

Look what I found on Kitsune Noir...the Piet Indoor Stove. It is designed to burn ethanol and produces zero smoke, thereby eliminating the need for a chimney. Oh how cozy...

Frozen Records

Artist Claudia Marzendorfer creates frozen records. Neat.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Adam snapped these photos at the Bedlam Theater this weekend.
Good times were had by all.
I saw this swell musician. His live performance was a heart beat raiser.
We danced and made merry late Saturday.
The best part was when everyone on the dance floor danced as one and when Mark became the leader, he led everyone through a ninja roll. A ninja roll! Everyone did it simultaneously without hesitation! Luckily, I was on a dancing break and got to witness this gem. Seriously, how did that happen so perfectly? I wish I had a video.
Good job, Mark.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


20 5/8 " x 17 5/8 "

I created this india ink stencil from a photo that I shot in my neighborhood.
{Yeah, I know, I need to photograph my work before it is behind glass. Sorry for the glare.}

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Art show tomorrow!

Please join me tomorrow, December 3rd,
for a showing of my art and handmade goods.
Casket Arts Building
681 17th Ave NE Minneapolis

12 o'clock to 9 o'clock

I'd be delighted to see you!